PPC Poems

We love Pay Per Click (PPC) ads. The ease with which a business can get going on the different PPC mediums is something that talks of not only business agility that is required in the modern world, but also of ability to target high intent customers.

Having said that, here is something on the lighter side. A series of poems that one of our team has cooked up!

Snehal, who leads the engagement at 13 Llama Interactive came up with a series of PPC Ads for the firm which were mini-poems. Here’s are some of those poems –

What do you want?
Pay per click
Come to our site – 13 Llama
And click on it.

We offer pay per click
We are the 13 Llama
We are the best agency.
Call us now if you want no drama.

100% ROI
It is false you say
We are the 13 Llama agency
We do it all in a day

You love digital marketing
You think you wanna be a pro
Well 13 Llama’s the agency
The well of knowledge you wanna go.

Google has so many options
It is so great
13 Llama is its Adwords partner
We’ll never make you late.

I realise that most of these ads are a bit me-centric :), however, that’s a poetic license that we have taken for ads. Advertisements themselves are for promotions, and there is certainly nothing wrong with a bit of shameless self promotions!

Snehal also writes fairly lengthy poems and is a self-published author, you can see some of her work listed on the Amazon store here – My Musings: Thoughts of the night time.

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