Scripting in Google AdWords

Last week, I had the good fortune to be invited as a speaker at one of SEMrush’s conferences in Pune.

In case if you do not know SEMrush – do check this tool out, it’s one of the best tools out there when it comes to doing keyword research for both organic and paid. The conferences were being conducted to showcase some of those features. One of the event partners was Pune Digital Marketers, and that’s how I got introduced to the team at SEMrush.

Here are the slides that I used for my talk.


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Some of the notes that readers would find useful (By Slides) –

Slide 2

Idea behind scripting is to know that a process oriented approach would help in scaling up operations. Needless to say that when there are changes in key products and algorithms, this gets changed.

Slide 3

Another strong mindset in right brained marketers is the aversion to look at code. Whereas, I am seeing a lot of marketers willing to engage with the technical nittygritties, a lot of junior marketers are simply not aware of the gap between technology and marketing.

Slide 5

As long as you are willing to engage with code and assess whether the respective code is useful, you will have to work your way from understanding the following concepts (and preferably in this order) –

  1. Core concepts of JavaScript
  2. JavaScript libraries – AdWords, Analytics, etc
  3. Small scripts available to do mundane tasks
  4. Large set of scripts to solve a particular problem

Slide 9

Some use cases where scripting can give great results.

Slide 12

Contact details and where you can reach me if you run into problems or just simply want to discuss marketing automation.

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